
The Department of Microbiology offers some of the many cores and service centers available at the University of Pennsylvania.
The PennCHOP Microbiome Program supports research across a wide spectrum of topics, with the goal of devising methods for improving human health by manipulating microbial populations. Teams at UPenn and CHOP were leaders in the Human Microbiome Project, the largest project in the history of microbiology. Studies are now expanding to link up microbiome research with myriad diverse areas of basic, translational and clinical research.
In response to the global health crisis, and in consultation with leadership of the Perelman School of Medicine, the Microbiology Department is proud to announce the founding of the Center for Research on Coronavirus and Other Emerging Pathogens.
Penn Center for Research on Coronavirus and other Emerging Pathogens
CFAR Viral and Reservoirs Core
The Core facility provides genomic analysis in support of human gene therapy, particularly integration site analysis and analysis of nuclease targeting using iGUIDE.